Wednesday, September 28, 2011


We had our 18th wedding anniversary last Sunday. It was a great day. Our NFL team won and we had a wonderful steak dinner.

Here's to many more :)


kenju said...

Congratulations on your anniversary!! Thanks for the comment/visit. If your dad knew Tolkien and Lewis, he was blessed!!

MaryContrary said...

Happy Anniversary and many, many more.

Kay Dennison said...

Congrats!!!!! Sounds like you had a great day!!!

Looking to the Stars said...

Judy, thanks :) and you are welcome! I have only 2 memories of my dad talking about Lewis & Tolkien. I assume that he met them thru my Aunt Elsie (my mother's sister) husband, who was a writer. His name was Hamilton Leopold Myers.

Mary, thank you :)

Kay, thanks! We did have a great day :)